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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Aeries Spends the Weekend With Grandma Syl

Papa was out of town for the weekend and so Aeries and Grandma Syl did a lot of fun things together.  The Children's Museum, Cabella's...  making cupcakes... poor Papa missed out!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Aeries Attends the 'Recess Monkey' Taping

Local band Recess Monkey needed a bunch of kids to help them put the finishing touches on their two latest cds. First a dance party, and then some recording. It was lots of fun!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Aeries Spends the Weekend

We had another wonderful weekend with Aeries.


When we picked her up from after-school daycare she wanted to play on the playground right away. She climbed on the fence until dark.

There was a 'family dance' to raise money for one of the teachers at Aeries' school that was badly injured in an auto accident. $300 was raised!.


After a nutritious breakfast of cupcakes and bacon, we went to the children's museum for a couple hours.

Aeries found the perfect suitcase for our trip to Disneyland this spring!

Then it was back home for a few games of Sequence before bedtime.


Aeries got a little workout in before breakfast.

...and some more Sequence of course.

Monday was a non-school day so Aeries spent Sunday night also. We set up the tent and had a 'tent party'!


We started the day off with some reading.
The main part of the day was a trip to the pet store to pick up a couple small fish for Aeries' tank. Of course a trip to the pet store requires the proper attire!

We finished the long weekend the way Aeries likes to finish a lot of weekends; by snuggling on the couch. We snuggled under a warm blanket and watched 'Spirit', a movie about a wild horse.