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Friday, September 4, 2020

Quarantine Cycle class #26

Alternate Link via Google drive:
Covid Cycle Classes 1-50


Sandra Jamieson said...

Loved the around the world background. This was a sweaty one for me. Tough but for it done. Heart rate was elevated the whole class. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what it would be like to finish and say “wow, that was easy!” Love the last couple songs. Especially last one which you repeated because my daughter is solo travelling soon and it reminded me that she is strong and can “make it”. Thanks so much. Sandra.

Anonymous said...

Maxed out hr and gears today. Great workout! Great music. Great background visuals. Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Max he 170bpm and maxed out gears. Great class. Great music. Great background. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

There are days that I definitely would not work out as hard without this motivation. My husband commented that I was stronger on our 3 hour outdoor bike ride yesterday because of these classes. Thank you again! Sandra.

Anonymous said...

Another great workout on the Crosstrainer in DR. Great motivation. Thank you. Sandra.