Saturday afternoon Aeries bit down on one of her hard plastic toys really hard and it must have cut her gums. She became pretty much inconsolable for a while, and she was in tears for a couple of hours. The gel stuff didn't work - it just made her mad and she became more upset. Fortunately Auntie Jenn was here and ran to the store and picked up some of the tablets (which we'd never heard of) and bingo, no more pain. Thank you Auntie Jenn. She also brought over a couple new toys - including a rubber ducky which Aeries loves.
She finally fell asleep Saturday evening about 6 and napped as solid as we've ever seen her nap for a good solid 4 hours. Then she woke up for a bottle and some playtime and then was back to bed again and had a good sleep.
She's such a sweet girl. When it didn't hurt she was smiling and laughing and talking thru her tired eyes. She's really a sweet little thing. We're all so fortunate.