Our friend Reid found a pedal-car destined for the landfill at a job site a few weeks ago and was kind enough to pass it along to us. It has a few missing pieces but it pedals easily and is very clean. We're going to track down 4 fender lights, 1 hubcap, a better windscreen, and repaint the body. Aeries isn't quite ready for this yet but she will be soon!

This weekend she was here and she was good as gold. We just have so much fun with her. She's crawling now, and it was so cute to watch her follow Grandma around the house from room to room. This weekend she was definitely Grandma's girl.

She hung out with cousin Conner on Saturday for a while over at Great-Grandpa and Grandma's house. They played electric football together. Conner is very patient and sweet with Aeries and they clearly really like each other a lot. It's sweet to watch them together. She mostly liked putting her hand on the gameboard and feeling the vibration.