'Out in the middle of nowhere' in Oregon, about 100 miles north of Bandon, I happened upon this. I met the man that is setting this up. Extremely nice fella, invited me to take all the pictures I wanted. I imagine it was probably his childhood dream to have his own carnival and now he has one. Lots of work left to do...
It's interesting how a 2-nearly-3 year old looks at things... she's not sad, she's not a little bit sad,... she's just a little bit happy. That's so funny! And of course what is a little girl's life without some drama?
Aeries watches Scooter and Lily chase bugs in the back yard. Lots of concern about the ladybugs and spiders. Ladybugs good, spiders bad.
We stumbled into a Port Townsend candy store late one Saturday night after a wonderful downtown dinner. We weren't even sure if the candy store was open, but a friendly woman welcomed us in with a big smile. Soon we were chatting about all sorts of things and before long - after she looked around to make sure nobody was within earshot besides the two of us - she pulled out a map of the town and in a whispered tone gave us directions to a 'town secret'.
Looking W toward Victoria, B.C. Click on the above picture to get the full effect!