This Sines family and extended 'family reunion' picture, taken in front of the house, was taken after Roy and Russell returned home from serving in WWII. Front row: Ronnie Stockwell, Rose Stockwell (Mom) Back row: Great Grandma Gertie, Uncle Roy, Uncle Ralph, Aunt Atha, Uncle Russell, Grandma Mildred, Great Grandpa Martin, Grandpa Harold.

My favorite part of the road is the Knapps Hill section. Grandpa said that the cars would go up this section one at a time - and had to go in reverse to take advantage of the compression braking.
The first picture shows the lower part of the road as you head up the hill (some day when I have a 4-wheel drive I will go further up the road). The second picture is a long-shot of the tunnel, and if you click on the picture and go all the way to the right you can see a lot of the road as it goes up the hill. I can almost see a line of Model T's waiting at the bottom of the hill as one car at a time backs slowly up the hill.