Today was a fabulous day. Our friends Brian and Nadine Behrend flew us up to Friday Harbor for lunch. Brian even let Sylvia and I fly for a while! It was really amazing to leave Arlington at 2:00, fly south and do a loop around Seattle and then continue up to Friday Harbor, sightsee and have a leisurely lunch...all that and still make it back before dark. It makes us want to get pilot's licenses and do this ourselves.... it really does!
Abraham Lincoln at the Port of Everett
Bill Gates' House
The Ballard Locks
Seattle and Mount Rainier
Edmonds Ferry Dock
Sylvia at the controls. She is a natural.
Lunch in Friday Harbor
Lane at the controls. Notice the deathgrip and profuse sweating.
Awesome pictures. There's nothing more exciting and sometimes frightening than flying. Oh wait.. unless that's landing :).
Glad you had a great day!
Wow! What fun. Reminds me a few flights I took up there. Incredible. Well, we are jealous here.
How fun to see it all from the air! Looks like you all had a great day!
These are glorious pictures! Makes me want to fly high like a bird....
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