Being goofy with Grandma. This colored ring gets a lot of mileage. Must be the pretty colors.

Studies have shown baby drool is good for your hair.

"Okay, now you two are starting to bore me."

She was a sleepy, runny nose girl. When the Tylenol wore off she was really unhappy and needed constant holding. Sigh.

Poor sleepy little girl did her best to have fun. But finally she just got too tired and couldn't fight it any longer.

This was her 1-hr afternoon nap which came shortly after her 2-hr morning nap.
Sorry to hear she had a little bug. She looks like she was in good spirits though, despite the cold. Glad she got some fun time in with G'ma and G'pa!
She is a darling little girl- sniffles and all. Hope Grandma and Grandpa giggle that cold right out of her. HUGS.
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